Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hello World!

Hello World! 

Here with this blog post, I get started with my programming blog!! It's a well known fact that learning each programming language starts with a "hello world" program. And, so I wanted to start my programming blog with a "hello world" post. :) 

Oh, what I would be blogging about? Well... I haven't decided any fix theme for this blog. And, neither I want to tie it to any particular blogging genre. So, I would definitely like to make it a mixture of how-to's, code-sharing, tips, tricks, information sharing and what not?! Most of the times I work in PHP, so, yes, most of the blog posts would be related to PHP and web-world. Apart from that, I would be blogging about web UI frameworks, web-based apps, APIs etc.

Most of the code sharing will be through gists. I am a strong believer and follower of social coding, and that's why I keep on storing (and maintaining) my code snippets on gist/github. Feel free to follow me there as well. ;)

I hope I get plenty of time and information to share here!

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